Saturday, July 30, 2011

Long Awaited Update On My Health

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Been very busy. This summer I saw Dr. Robert Schwartzman of Drexel for my RSD. He told me to get ketamine infusions. There are two problems with this treatment. 1. I'd have to be off all my depression and ADHD meds. 2. These infusions are not covered by insurance and are quite costly.

I wanted a second opinion on treatment. I saw Dr. Munoz of Cooper Pain Management. He said I will probably have to do ketamine, but he's willing to try injections and epidurals to at least help my leg pain which is worse than my arm pain. In addition, my backs been bothering me, so he sent me for a MRI yesterday just to make sure the pains not from something that can be treated. He was very nice and spent a long time with my mom and me answering all our questions.

I've also been on a gluten free diet for almost two weeks now. My tests for celiac came back negative, but my doctor thought i might have a sensitivity to gluten and wanted me to try the gluten free diet for 6-8 weeks. I already feel much better. Any time i've tried to eat gluten since then i've felt extremely sick. The diet is challenging, but since it makes me feel better, it's worth it. The internet is quite helpful for finding gluten free places to eat and foods to buy. The ultimate challenge will be at school. I will be eating breakfast in my room because I can get gluten free cereal such as most flavors of chex and also cooca pebbles. I will also try to use the stove in the chapel to cook a few days worth of meals at a time so I can keep them in my fridge and reheat them.

To keep my mind off my health, i've been listening to music and knitting. I love knitting Rebecca Danger's monsters. I have three in progress right now!