Sunday, January 17, 2010

4 Day Weekend!!!!!!!!

I'm now on the 3rd day of my 4 day weekend. On Friday I went to my grandparents house. It was great seeing them! My grandmother took me to BJ's and bought me Medium Season 4.
Then on Saturday I hung out with Tola and Mike who are from Haddonfield Stitch N Bitch. We went to Philadelphia for the day. We first went to Loop yarn store which was really cool. I got a chihuhua button for my mom, plus a pattern for $.10 and a pattern book for $2. Then we ate lunch. Next we went to the magic gardens this really amazing place where this artist does mosiacs. Finally we went to Nagellini's yarn store. Nagellini's is more "electic" but still was pretty cool. Later my dad and I watched Angel's and Demons. The movie was okay, kinda dull in the begining, but picked up towards the end, and the film score was amazing! While watching I worked on my orange peel sweater.
Today I plan to finish the orange peel sweater, plus do some chores and homework.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Snow Day!!!

Yesterday was a snow day at my school. The phone rang at 5:30 AM to tell me so. I went back to sleep till 7:30 and then worked on most of my bio 2 assigments due next week. Then I visited with my grandparents. They are doing well. I finished one princess sock, and since it's a little tight on me, I will donate the single sock to Operation Single Sock Liberation. They accept single socks for amputees at Walter Reed Medical Center. Picture will follow. I think I will now focus on Emily's wavy scarf. Then I will start a scarf for Scarves From the Heart. Overall it was a great day!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

1st post of 2010!

Happy New Year!!! I cannot believe it is 2010 already! This is a big year for me, because I graduate high school this year. I cannot belive i've been at Hill Top for almost four years now. Wow time flies! Tommorow I'm back to school. I getting up early. I pulled out sadie's coat that I started knitting in August. I'm nearly finished now. All I have to do is the band that goes underneath, and weaving the ends. I'm also working on my princess socks. The reason they are called that is because I'm using knit picks stroll multi yarn and the colorway is Princess. I also started a curly snake from itty bitty toys using the scrap sock yarn from mom-mom's socks. Hopefully tommorow will go by quickly. My New Year's Resolutions are varied. They include eating healthier, cooking more, excersising more, and taking better care of my appearance.