Sunday, October 13, 2013

Fall Update

I have been awful about keeping up with this blog. My apologies. I am now attending online college classes through Duquesne University towards a degree in Computer Systems Technology. I take 1 course every 8 weeks which is considered "half time." My first course "Adult Transition Seminar" (writing, study skills, grammar), ended last night. My final essay still had to be graded (it was submitted last night), but I am expecting an A-, at worse B+ for the course. I am starting the "preweek" assignments for my next course (intro to info systems design) in the next couple days, they are due the 19th which is the official first day of that course.

Pain has been up and down. Goes down for a bit then flares. I try to enjoy the lower pain periods while i can, though of course it is always devastating when the pain rises again.

I've been playing my violin again. It is a great stress reducer.

I'm going to try to keep up with this blog more!