Sunday, January 17, 2010

4 Day Weekend!!!!!!!!

I'm now on the 3rd day of my 4 day weekend. On Friday I went to my grandparents house. It was great seeing them! My grandmother took me to BJ's and bought me Medium Season 4.
Then on Saturday I hung out with Tola and Mike who are from Haddonfield Stitch N Bitch. We went to Philadelphia for the day. We first went to Loop yarn store which was really cool. I got a chihuhua button for my mom, plus a pattern for $.10 and a pattern book for $2. Then we ate lunch. Next we went to the magic gardens this really amazing place where this artist does mosiacs. Finally we went to Nagellini's yarn store. Nagellini's is more "electic" but still was pretty cool. Later my dad and I watched Angel's and Demons. The movie was okay, kinda dull in the begining, but picked up towards the end, and the film score was amazing! While watching I worked on my orange peel sweater.
Today I plan to finish the orange peel sweater, plus do some chores and homework.


Tola said...

im glad you had fun with Mike and me. we enjoyed taking you to our places.