Monday, December 6, 2010

A Long Awaited College Update!

So I haven't blogged since August. Oops! I've been super busy with college! I'm doing well socially. I joined the Newman Catholic Club and I sing at mass and I have friends.

I'm also doing well academically, but finals are coming up and that's a stressful time! I'm most worried about my theater final. We have to memorize a scene with a partner and write a paper about it. My partner, is a commuter, so we have only gotten to rehearse once outside of class, because we are both busy. Last time we rehersed in front of the teacher, and he ripped me apart. I know it's part of theater (Being criticized) but it really felt like he was only picking on me. I'm also having trouble with lines. The hardest part is for me to want what my character wants, and to have action behind each line. When I told my proffessor about having Aspergers, he said well theres somone in the acting major program that has that same issue and doesn't struggle with sacracsm and empathy. I wish people would understand that not everyone is the same, especially two people with the same disability.

To top everything off, I've been extremely tired lately. I went to the doctor who ran a blood test and everything was normal. Another posbility is that one of my medications is making me tired, but this medicine really helps with my pain.

In my very few spare minutes, I've been working on knitted christmas gifts. Will post pictures of them after they are finished and given out.

Last weekend was fun, because I went to see Promises, Promises with a friend. I had already seen the show, but loved it the first time and wanted to see it again. Sadly, Sean Hayes was out sick this time! However, Kristen Chenoweth was still performing that night!

That's all for now

Sunday, August 22, 2010

almost time for college

In exactly two weeks, I will be moving in to college. This summer went by so quickly! It was a great summer though! Last wekeend, I travled to New York City. I went to the mets/Phillies game. The game was really fun, especially since the Phillies won! Then I went to see Promises Promises! I met my idol, Kristen Chenoweth! She was amazing, as won Sean  Hayes. I never knew Sean Hayes could sing!

My pain has been average this week. I decided I will audition for orchestra at college, so praticing for this will cause some pain. I've been swimming a couple of times, and this helps my pain greatly.

I'm working on a few knitted projects. I'm about to finish a cell phone sock. It was a really easy pattern. I worked on it at another Phillies game that I went to on Friday night. They won again! I've also worked on socks.and a baby blanket. The blanket is to put aside for any shower gifts in the future.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July!
I've been quite busy lately. Yesterday I went out for sushi with a friend. It was great catching up with her. We went to camp and middle school together.

 As it is now July, I'm hoping to finish my mom's knitted philly phanatic by the time her bday comes around (July 13th). She knows about the phanatic, and is going to help me stuff it. I bought an outfit at build a bear for it but might exchange it for just a philies shirt rather than a full uniform.

I almost finished the blue socks yesterday. I messed up on the measurements and the one is too small. Oh well, such is life.

I just started socks for my grandfather. I hope he will like them. I'm doing them toe up.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


hello readers
Today I'm going to the Idina Menzel concert with my Aunt and Uncle as my graduation gift. In my opinion it is one of the coolest gifts ever! I love Idina and cannot wait to hear her in person!

I'm writing this on my new laptop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so awesome! It's a dell inspiron, and the front features a design by OPI polish. Its so great finally having a laptop without any blocks.

I finished my princess socks finally, and i'm working on anklets for me, and a phillies phanatic for my mom.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I'm a high school graduate!

I graduated the 16th. I received three awards, the presidential award, the citizenship award, and the upper school award. It was a great ceremony and it feels great to be a grad! I will miss my friends and teachers, but I'm ready to make new ones.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Two Days Left of My High School Career

It is unbelievable that I only have two days of high school left! It seems like just yesterday it was the first day of 9th grade. The only homework I had this weekend was to study for my last final which is Tuesday. Overall high school has been good, it had its ups and downs, but wasn't terrible.

On a knitting note, I finshed Rachel's skew socks today, and am now starting the second sock from the princess sock I made in December. I'm also working on a hat for my best friend, Erin. She picked the pattern and the color.

The first sock of Rachel's socks!
June 16th I graduate!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wow, I'm almost a high school graduate!

It so intersting to think that in less than a month I will be a high school graduate, it seems like just yesterday that it was my first day of 9th grade! Only a few things left to do, present senior project on tuesday, the 25th, and then take finals and my last final is on the 8th. I will be attending Long Island University- CW Post Campus. Soon I have to register for classes. I'm so excited! I know it will be hard work, but I'm ready.

In other news, I've been busy knitting. I'm almost finished Rachel's skew socks. I think after that I will work on anklets for me. I'm also still working on my DC socks.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

PROM 2010!

Last night was my senior prom. Except in my school proms for sophmores and up with 9th grade allowed if they are asked by an upperclassman. It was a blast. I went with my good friend, Zac. It's amazing how fast the night went by! Everyone looked really nice, its amazing how people can "clean up". The only weird thing was that some of the music was strange for a prom like swing low sweet chariot (which we booed so loud, the dj turned off)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


It's been a while. On the 16th of April, I traveled with my school to DC. We did a lot of unexpcted walking and this trigered and RSD flare. My legs have been hurting so badly. I went to the doctors twice last week but both times she said its shin splints. It's really frustrating because I'm almost positive it was an RSD Flare. During this flare, I presnted a powerpoint on RSD to my bio II class (basically anatomy class). I think it went really well and the feedback from my teacher and classmates was good. I'm finally feeling some relief today.

I'm really excited for my school's prom, its on Friday! I picked up my dress last Friday from alterations.

I've been trying different baby gifts for one of my teacher's new baby girl, Rosalie. Each time I try a new pattern something goes wrong. However, now since time is limited until the next time I see her (the 14th), I'm making a hat called "shower's in an hour baby hat". So far (knock on wood) its going well. On the way to and from DC i casted on a sock. I work on it mostly at school becuase it is a basic stockinette stitch sock. I'm finished one of my best friend's skew socks and started on the second. I love that pattern and the way it turns out!

Off to study for a quiz tommorow. Hopefully I will do well!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

wow its been a while!

Haven't blogged in almost a month!!!!! Been on Spring break for about a week and a half, loved it, even though I didn't do anything too exciting. However, I did get a prom dress!!!!!! I got it at davids bridal- it was half the price of my dream dress.
I tried to make a baby sweater for a teacher at school, but ended up frogging it. Instead I'm making baby socks, but the needle snapped so they were on hold for a while. I'm still knitting my dad's socks and I started socks for my best friend, Rachel's graduation. I'm using the pattern skew from Knitty Winter 2009.  I love the pattern, and hope they come out. Tommorow I have an interview at College of Saint Elizabeth for additional scholarships. I hope it goes well!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I've just been so busy

I haven't blogged in like forever. I've been in a lot of pain, but extremely busy with school. Prom is coming up on May 7th, and I am looking for a dress my dream dress is :
but its too expensive! I'm working on my dad's socks for his bday. I think I will make myself a pair of socks with hearts on them.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Another Snow Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today my school called at 5:30 AM saying that there was no school! Hurray! This was good as I was tired from last nights South Jersey Knitters meeting. I had a great time last night, and I finished the ruffle hat which was my project for Ravelry's Ravelympics. 

Today I finished my scarf for February for Scarves from the heart!

off to work on more knitting projects such as my dad's socks and a toy snake!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Snow Day Festival!

I haven't been in school since last Tuesday due to a major snow storm. This storm mixed with the storm from last Saturday creating at least 2 feet of snow. During this break I baked cookies, did some homework, read most of Bel Canto by Ann Patchett, and watched Medium. Last night I casted on for the ravelympics. I decided to work on a ruffled baby hat for Haddonfield Stitch N' Bitch's spring charity project.

Today I found a terrific deal! At one of the antique centers my mom works at, they had 3 vintage playbills that said $3 on the outside but $1 on inside and they gave me the $1, plus this weekend anything $1 or more was 20% off so I got them for $.80 each! I also got a new phone today, boy that was a pain, as the people at the AT&T store were quite ignorant. But i'm satisfied.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Wonderful Trip To NY!!!!

This past weekend, I traveled to NYC with my parents. Saturday night I saw Rock of Ages which was so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was absolutly hysterical! I met one of my idols Kerry Butler.

 She was so nice. Also, I met Constatine M from American Idol. I was so suprised that he took time with people cause most ex American Idol's and other celeberties just walk away from the stage door. He also invited me to his solo show.

Sunday I hung out with a friend from Summer camp. We saw When In Rome which was average, and then went out for hot chocolate. It was great to see her.

Monday I just walked around the city with my dad. I did make it too a broadway gift shop called "Theatre Circle" where I picked up a used copy of Broadway Musicals Show by Show fifth edition.

Overall it was a great trip.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

4 Day Weekend!!!!!!!!

I'm now on the 3rd day of my 4 day weekend. On Friday I went to my grandparents house. It was great seeing them! My grandmother took me to BJ's and bought me Medium Season 4.
Then on Saturday I hung out with Tola and Mike who are from Haddonfield Stitch N Bitch. We went to Philadelphia for the day. We first went to Loop yarn store which was really cool. I got a chihuhua button for my mom, plus a pattern for $.10 and a pattern book for $2. Then we ate lunch. Next we went to the magic gardens this really amazing place where this artist does mosiacs. Finally we went to Nagellini's yarn store. Nagellini's is more "electic" but still was pretty cool. Later my dad and I watched Angel's and Demons. The movie was okay, kinda dull in the begining, but picked up towards the end, and the film score was amazing! While watching I worked on my orange peel sweater.
Today I plan to finish the orange peel sweater, plus do some chores and homework.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Snow Day!!!

Yesterday was a snow day at my school. The phone rang at 5:30 AM to tell me so. I went back to sleep till 7:30 and then worked on most of my bio 2 assigments due next week. Then I visited with my grandparents. They are doing well. I finished one princess sock, and since it's a little tight on me, I will donate the single sock to Operation Single Sock Liberation. They accept single socks for amputees at Walter Reed Medical Center. Picture will follow. I think I will now focus on Emily's wavy scarf. Then I will start a scarf for Scarves From the Heart. Overall it was a great day!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

1st post of 2010!

Happy New Year!!! I cannot believe it is 2010 already! This is a big year for me, because I graduate high school this year. I cannot belive i've been at Hill Top for almost four years now. Wow time flies! Tommorow I'm back to school. I getting up early. I pulled out sadie's coat that I started knitting in August. I'm nearly finished now. All I have to do is the band that goes underneath, and weaving the ends. I'm also working on my princess socks. The reason they are called that is because I'm using knit picks stroll multi yarn and the colorway is Princess. I also started a curly snake from itty bitty toys using the scrap sock yarn from mom-mom's socks. Hopefully tommorow will go by quickly. My New Year's Resolutions are varied. They include eating healthier, cooking more, excersising more, and taking better care of my appearance.