Sunday, January 2, 2011

1st post of 2011!

I still haven't taken my finals for the first semester. I came down with an awful stomach virus and had to be sent home the week of finals. I will take them when I return to school for the spring semester. What really stinks is now I have to pull out my books and study where most people dont have to study over break.

Christmas was intersting. My grandmother fell on Christmas Eve, and my parents were with her in the ER on Christmas Day. She broke her wrist and a bone under her eye. Christmas dinner was actually on the 26th.

Then last wednesday morning, my mom slipped on the ice and broke her wrist. Now my two main sources of rides cannot drive and my sister is going back to college on Tuesday.

I've been achy lately, but I've been able to knit through it for the most part. I just finished a pair of socks for me. I used Deborah Norville's serenity garden yarn with size three needles.

Today I will start a new pair of socks. I'm in a sock mood lately.

That's all for now. Happy New Year!