Saturday, September 1, 2012

Ketamine Day 4 Update

I would have posted sooner, aka yesterday, but i spent most of yesterday afternoon and evening sleeping. I was exhausted. Anyways, yesterday was my fourth and final day of ketamine. I arrived with a  headache, so one of the nurses asked the doctor that was there (mine was still on vacation, so it was one of his colleagues), if i could have something in my IV for the headache. I was given and NSAID called Touradel (Spelling)?. It did help my headache.

The night before i was up till 1 AM not able to sleep due to various reasons, mainly cause of my naps. So i was exhausted that morning so i did sleep for about 45 minutes of the treatment. I did have some leg cramping, but it went away on it's own.

Now that I'm finished ketamine, my pain level is at about a 5-7 out of ten with ten being the worst. Before, it would rarely dip below a 9. Hopefully, this relief will last.

i was very tired, but here is my final photo from treatment!
On the way home from treatment, my dad and I stopped for Slurpees at 7-11 which was yummy. Then i had mashed potatoes for lunch, and then i went to Shop Rite with my dad to pick out cereal to take with me to school. I move into school tomorrow (Sunday). By then i was exhausted. I'm pretty much finished packing though! That's all for now!