Thursday, January 24, 2013

Class Day 1 and Ketamine day 2

Yesterday was my first day of class at my new college. Technically it was Tuesday, but i dropped my Tuesday/Thursday classes for ketamine. I arrived at about 8:00 AM. I had some tea at starbucks and browsed the web on my netbook. Then i had my first class from 9:05-10:00 AM which was Precalculus. My professor seems very nice, and the class is very small (about 13 students including myself). then i had a huge break. I chilled in a lounge, went to a convience store on campus, and then because the lounge was too noisy to start my math homework, I went to the library. I understood part of the new concept, but had trouble remembering basic algebra. Then i had my object oriented programming class from 1:20-2:40 PM. My professor is very nice. She seems like she is very good and explains things well. Then i took the train home. My dad was able to help me with my math homework. Overall it was a great first day. I had woke up that day in a 2/10 pain. I wore jeans to school, and walked a lot around campus and my pain only spiked to a 7/10.

Today i had ketamine. I slept most of the time. I'm feeling pretty good today, but VERY TIRED. I hallucinated a bit, i kept thinking the nurses were in the back room with me, but i would open my eyes and they weren't they were in the front room.