Monday, March 18, 2013

update on today's procedure (lumbar epidural steroid injection)

so i had my lumbar epidural steroid injection today. My arrival time was 7:30 AM so i get there at 7:25, i get registered at 7:35ish and told the lady how nauseuous i was. I think i scared the registration lady, cause shes like if at any time you need to go throw up, please go to the bathroom over there, or even the floor, but not on my desk. I told her i'd be fine, but i tried to hint so she would get me back to preop sooner. Then i waited and waited. People that registered after me were being called back before me. Sigh. Plus there was this old guy whose wife was having some kind of procedure and he was waiting for her to be done, and he apparently had had an epidural before and started talking to these women about how he got chemical meningitis from it and how awful it was. This was great for my anxiety, not.
Then i finally got called to preop at about 8:15, 8:20ish. They put in my IV. The nurse kept saying did i hurt you (before she had it taped up), and im like not really cause it didn't hurt that bad, and then i add its in though right, cause ive heard i hope i didn't hurt you when they have to remove it and restick me  many a times, but she said its in, she was just concerned, because where she placed the IV was a bit far from the numbing injection she had given me. 
Then my anesthesologist comes in who was my old pain doc, and since ive had so many of similar procedures before, and he knew me, the consult was 30 seconds and most of that was getting my signature for the anesthesia permission. 
Then my doctor came in. He asked my mom and me if we did anything fun for St. Patricks day, and after silence he was like i guess you stayed local? and i was like I had a lazy day which was a glorified explanation of what i did, cause i was so lazy. and did nothing. We agreed we might do more ketamine when summer comes. 
Then i was taken back. I woke up very tired. Then i felt pain in my left knee that kept spreading up and down my left knee. They gave me some ginger ale, apple sauce, and a perocet. I left in lots of pain.
I came home and slept. The perocet eventually kicked in. Im a bit sore now in my back, but overall not too bad. Sorry this was so long. thanks for reading!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

i got to educate someone about RSD yesterday!

 I arrived to my class early because i wanted to turn in the paper copy of my hw and leave cause i was having a flare. I arrived almost an hour early cause i didn't realize how early i was. and there was a professor in the classroom and i asked if i could enter, and she said sure she was just packing up her things from teaching a class
and she noticed my cane
and asked about it in a polite way. and i said i have chronic pain, rsd and i told her a bit about it,
and she said wow, i have a cold/minor flu right now and thats bugging me, and i know thats nothing to what you experience and i can't imagine worse than that everyday. This was great cause i know ppl will sometimes be like oh ive had the flu i know what you experience. She realized that even her minor and temporary illness wasn't as bad as what we experience.
and she says i hope you get a miracle someday
and as she left she said ill hope for a miracle for you and dont give up!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

a miracle of miracles (can i ask for one more?)

I went out to dinner with some Priscilla Fans/Posse members last night in Philly. They had traveled to see the show yesterday afternoon, and since i live so close, i met them for dinner. It was really fun! And my RSD actually behaved. I was reflecting on the train back (a 20 minute train ride) about how my pain level was at about a 2 out of ten and by that point it was past 7 PM and i hadn't taken my night time meds yet that i usually take at 5 pm! My pain went up to  a 5 later that night, but i didn't have to take my perocet. Today i'm going to see Priscilla myself, for the 6th time (1st time in philly/on tour). I'm going with my aunt and uncle. My pain is at about a 4 or 5 right now, and im hoping it won't rise, at least not till im home again. This show is my obsession. It has saved me from suicide as corny as that sounds (one night i was really down, so i watched videos about the show online and i listened to the soundtrack several times and that helped me).