Sunday, July 22, 2012

A simple way to potentially make a huge difference in my life!

as many of you know, i was denied by my insurance company  (Aetna) my request and my doctors request and appeal for inpatient ketamine infusions. These infusions could potentially be very helpful to me, a lot more helpful than the outpatient ones that are miraculousally covered partially for now. There is a petition going around that needs signatures that will be sent to aetna encouraging them to cover the treatment. They claim its experimental, but its been around for a while, and has helped many with RSD/CRPS. Amazingly, in most cases they will cover an invasive spinal cord stimulator surgery which has led to problems for lots of people and is obviously risky and expensive since it's surgery, but not this. In the higher coma doses that aren't allowed in the US, there have been some problems, but not that many if closely monitored at the doses id be getting. please sign!