Tuesday, July 3, 2012

More info on treatment/ Fun Mail yesterday

As i've posted, i'm getting a treatment called Calmare from July 9-19th in Rutherford, NJ. here is an article you can read for more information about it. http://calmarenj.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/201-health-magazine_2012.pdf
I had one trial treatment and it helped. I'm optimistic that the rest will help even more! someone that has had this treatment in Staten Island is having a online fundraiser to help pay for more people to get treatment. Right now people have only donated $15.00. Please consider donating a dollar or two. The link is http://www.gofundme.com/t7pwo

In more exciting news, i got Priscilla things in the mail from another fan! I got a playbill with a piece of paper saying that Ellyn Marie Marsh (An awesome Swing/Understudy was playing the role of Cynthia that night), three brochures, and a couple pieces of confetti from the show fell out from the envelope! photo is posted above this paragraph!