Sunday, July 1, 2012

update after a rough night

last night i had a lot of back and leg pain. I was pretty good for most of the day. I didn't do much, though i visited my grandparents who were happy to see me, but that involved a short car ride and sitting down in a chair and talking. I was holding my dog to feed her and i just couldn't do it. She only weighs about 8 pounds or less, but i had to pass her over to my dad. We have to hold her to feed her and 20-30 minutes after cause she has a pouch in her esophagus where if she's not held in an upright position during and after feeding for 20-30 minutes the food will go in the pouch and she will regurigate the food and can inhale it again and get pneumonia and die. Dogs of all sizes can get this issue, we are just lucky that she's a small dog. Anyways then i just laid down and my legs started to hurt. I couldnt stand my pajama pants which weren't heavy material (they were cotton) and were not tight. I ended up wearing shorts to bed. I had some discoloration in my pinky toe which is above the text of this post. I ended up laying in bed, taking pain meds and listening to music (mostly show tunes of course!)

In more exciting news, yesterday i decided to write on facebook to one of the stars of Rock of Ages the musical (NOT the movie), Michele Mais. She plays Justice, the same role that Mary J. Blige plays in the movie. I told her that she does a much better job in the show than Mary did in the movie and that the show is much better than the movie. I'm friends with her on facebook cause i added her right after seeing the show back in January of my senior year of high school (2010). I was thinking if she did write back she would comment directly on the post, but she actually wrote on my wall, Mary...YOU ROCK MY WORLD!!!
Many Thanks for your kind words -so happy you enjoy my work and our wonderful show... I'm so proud to be a part of it!!!
Loads of Love -xoxo-Maisey

This was so cool for me. 

All for now.